Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A Trip to the Mizzou Print Shop

As soon as Carrie picked me up from the STL airport on Friday we drove to Columbia for Katie Spencer's PhD graduation.

Before we met up with Katie and her family for dinner and the graduation, we stopped by the MU Art Department to visit with a few of my professors from undergrad. Fortunately, the opening for the Senior Art Show coincided with our arrival and we got to enjoy some snacks and art while chatting with my old friends. Brooke, the printmaking instructor, encouraged me to run upstairs and check out the print shop. I'd been thinking about the place lately and was certain that it would be different than I remembered. After being at Tamarind, everything seemed smaller and messier, but still very familiar. There was even some of my old art hanging around in odd places:

Here's the litho area, which consists of a Griffin litho press next to a graining sink.

There's also an ink slab and an assortment of litho inks.

I'm not sure what is in these cubby holes, but it scares me a little bit.

Here's the etching press (a Charles Brand, I think).

A view of the room from the Brand press.

The screenprinting area is separate and very narrow.

This is what happens to leather rollers when they die. (They become rolling pins for damp paper blotters.)

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